The Story

The Ancient Doors—a relic that locks away the secret to world peace—can only be opened when told a worthy hero’s story, one full of truth, wisdom, valor, and glory. Deanna is an altruistic ten-year-old girl eager to find that story. Trained to be a magical bard, she leaves her secluded tribe of RachaDen and ventures into a giant, fantastical world in the name of peace! There’s just one small problem…

Deanna also happens to be a cockroach.

In this intrepid fable of talking animals skilled in swords, Storytelling sorcery and war, Deanna must survive her adventures through roach-loathing animal kingdoms, and yet rally these same animals against their common enemy: the Smeared, monsters of hatred and deceit who itch to use the Ancient Doors for the world’s destruction.

Deanna makes unlikely allies with some animals, including Athos the artsy rooster and Lethabo the lion warrior. Yet the Smeared spreads animosity between kingdoms day by day, making world peace seem more like a fairytale. As Deanna and friends race against time to open the Ancient Doors, they’ll find that the greatest hero may be the most unlikeliest creature.

In this world,

Storytellers are magic users…


  • Deanna Racha

    Deanna Racha


    A sweet li’l cockroach girl who doubles as a magical bard. She has two magical necklaces: one that allows her to summon any instrument and one that allows her to turn into a cub of certain animals—the latter being important, since animals don’t consider cockroaches as anything more than vermin or food. Deanna may not be the best at controlling her magic, but bless her, she’s trying. She serves on her tribe’s behalf to find a hero’s story that may inspire world peace, although she doesn’t believe herself to be a hero of any kind. She likes music and cookies. She’s inspired by Mayan culture.

  • Lethabo Moran

    Lethabo Moran


    A lion warrior hailing from the Savannia kingdom as well as a father-figure to Deanna. His knightly family was exiled due to standing against their corrupted king during the Jungle War. Lethabo now aims to join a kingdom’s royal guard as his ancestors have before him. However, he’s more than happy to protect Deanna as she goes on her righteous quest for world peace. He’s a connoisseur for proverbs and dad jokes. He’s inspired by the Maasai culture.

  • Athos Gallos

    Athos Gallos


    A rooster and retired painter from the Meadowed Empire. He’s a curmudgeon who barely has the patience to guide along the happy whippersnappers he got roped in with. Though he may seem rude, he truly cares for the well-being of Deanna and Lethabo. He used to be a famous painter and owned an art school for young cubs, but due to the recent death of his husband, Ennio, Athos has shut his career down and fell into the bad habit of drinking “corn juice.” He’s inspired by French culture.

  • The Smeared

    The Smeared


    Monsters with a hive mind. They scour the world in secret to stir up discord, lies and fear for sustenance. They hate Deanna as her quest for world peace could ultimately destroy them. They will go to whatever extreme measures to keep her and Racha Den from opening the Ancient Doors—and that includes destroying Deanna’s tribe of Racha Den and sparking a world war. They’re so good at obscuring the truth, that they can even turn reality around them upside-down. The only way to fight them back is through Truth magic produced by Storytellers.

  • More Characters To Come!

    When the time is right, we’ll share more about the colorful cast of characters in this series!



Four books are planned and edited in its entirety, beat by beat.

The story is written as a dark fantasy for children, much like Don Bluth’s films.

The story approaches difficult topics, such as war and prejudice, with empathy and love.

The story is written for both adults and children to experience and enjoy together.

Real-life cultures are represented so to teach about “the Other” and enhance the story’s main theme.

We hope the multimedia novel format will help children with attention disorders to have an easier time reading a book series.